Born in Derbyshire, Georgia Dymock (b.1998, United Kingdom) is a London based artist who recently graduated with distinction from the MFA in Painting program at the Slade School of Fine Art, University College London (UCL). With a BSc in Anthropology, Dymock uses her studies and their influence to create her human hybrid-entity figures that question identity and the female form.
Dymock's work eliminates the idea of a fixed identity or a singular self. The human-like characters, which are translated from the digital realm onto the canvas, seek to challenge what it means to be human in a digital age. Physically rendered in oil paint, Dymock's figures are composed of curling, distorted forms contorting within the confines of painterly boundaries of the canvas. Here, their exaggerated and reimagined curves are playfully inspired by the generous rounded shapes from Picasso's Neo-classical Period, resulting in the deconstruction of the body into unique gestures and palettes.
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