Horacio Quiroz: Cosmic Debris

12 September - 5 October 2024
JD Malat Gallery is delighted to announce Cosmic Debris, by acclaimed Mexican artist Horacio Quiroz, open to the public from 12th September - 5th October 2024.
Born in 1985, Horacio Quiroz is a self-taught contemporary artist based in Mexico City. Since embarking on his artistic journey in 2013, Quiroz has developed a body of work that combines inherent oppositions, blending the beautiful with the grotesque, utopia with dystopia, and the familiar with the unknown. His new exhibition Cosmic Debris brings together 8 oil paintings to explore themes of gender, identity, and the environment, deeply reflecting on the fluidity of identity and the interplay between chaos and order. 
Quiroz states: In my paintings, bodies are rendered with rich volumes that defy traditional binaries, presenting themselves as non-binary and intersex. These bodies are fertile, sexual, and exotic, challenging conventional norms and celebrating diversity. Inspired by queer theory, my work seeks to dismantle rigid boundaries and embrace the fluidity of identity. By doing so, I aim to create a visual dialogue that honours the complexity and multiplicity of human existence, inviting viewers to see beyond the confines of conventional gender and sexuality.