Katrin Fridriks: Grey Area

8 March - 27 April 2019
Icelandic painter, Katrin Fridriks, brings her beautifully abstract show to London from Friday 8th March - Saturday 27th April. A landmark exhibition, 'GREY AREA' will see Katrin become the first female artist to have her own solo show at the JD Malat Gallery - just in time for International Women's Day on 8th March.
30 major works, including various installations, make up the exquisite exhibition. Katrin's interest in the work of Nikola Tesla and his idea for clean and free energy has propelled much of her work and she credits Tesla as the main inspiration behind 'GREY AREA'. In her journey of discovery into the Serbian Scientist's studies, she got fascinated by a number of things she encountered on her way, raising topics which are there for everyone to see but are rarely looked at. ​"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency & Vibration" ​Nikola Tesla once said.
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