ARTNET: When the delicate and smooth 'airbrush style' is prevalent, how does Georgia Dymock manage to avoid a sense of detachment?

An Interview with the British artist Georgia Dymock
Artnet, December 15, 2023

In this interview with Artnet China, Georgia Dymock talks about her artistic pratice, her typical day in the studio, and her opinion on the relationship between the body and the digital world.


Delicate gradients, seamless brushstrokes, and smooth surfaces characterise the increasingly favoured digital style of painting among contemporary artists. Its popularity is directly linked to the prevalent use of the airbrush technique. By transforming pigments into fine powder through air pressure and spraying them onto the canvas, the airbrush technique effectively captures the soft and flawless surfaces typically found only in digital software.


Regarding this airbrush style, 25-year-old British artist Georgia Dymock shares her perspective: 'I desire the airbrush effect but dislike the sense of detachment associated with this technique.' Consequently, she insists on using paint brushes instead of airbrush guns for her artwork. Nevertheless, her pieces still effectively capture the delicate and smooth sensations inherent in digital aesthetics. Simultaneously, Dymock attempts to disrupt this delicacy and smoothness on a physical level by incorporating techniques like adding sand to the paint, thus preserving the unique attributes of real-world objects.

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