COUNTRY & TOWN HOUSE: In the Studio with Artist Kojo Marfo

Getting to know the Ghanaian artist in his small South London studio
Caitie Grove, Country & Town House, March 18, 2024
Kojo Marfo’s studio is literally crammed with creativity. In the small South London room overlooking residential gardens, he has stapled a huge canvas to the wall. Two people stand, one holds a cockerel, the other a baby with a mask-like face. They are enormous, dramatic, a twist on the traditional African art that Kojo grew up with. ‘It’s a conversation about pushy parents. But it’s more to do with the pressure and expectations they put on us – we cannot cope,’ he explains. His bike leans against the wall and tubes of paint pile up on the floor. The working space might be small – ‘a big studio would feel like a false elevation’ – but Kojo’s ambitions are large, with exhibitions in Mayfair and New York in recent years, and more to come.
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