Henrik Uldalen: Love in Exile

Exhibition Catalogue
Soft Cover
Henrik Uldalen: Love in Exile: Exhibition Catalogue
Publisher: JD Malat Gallery
Pages: 49
£ 20.00

Through 'Love in Exile,' Uldalen seeks to process and accept an exceedingly absurd experience of existence. Reflecting on his private endeavours, the artist moves away from the self-destructive Nihilism into the reality-accepting Existentialism. 'Love in Ex- ile' marks the artist's arrival at Absurdism, where he takes a novel approach to em- bracing actuality. The idea of 'Love' stands for hope and the search for inner peace, whilst the idea of 'Exile' is derived from Al- bert Camus' ideology of the universal intrin- sic lack of meaning which clashes with our own struggle to find such in the quotidian. Within this convoluted universe, Uldalen finds peace: 'Love in Exile.'

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