Andrew Litten: Connect

Exhibition Catalogue
Soft cover
Andrew Litten: Connect: Exhibition Catalogue
Publisher: JD Malat Gallery
Pages: 43
£ 20.00

In Andrew Litten's paintings, broad flowing sweeps and swirls of colour form a sinuous warp and weft that seems to hold and embody this atomic reality, with pinks, blues, turquoises, greens, reds and orange dancing like motes of dust in sunbeams, making visible the invisible. But just as atoms are driven by a desire to connect with other atoms, establishing more complex compounds that coalesce into solid forms, Litten punctures this cloud of abstract chromatic energy with physical objects: figures, animals, tables, chairs and vases of flowers that he has dragged, scratched, pulled and felt into existence, not only with brushes, scrapers and other tools, but with his fingers. They anchor this intangible, unfocused space with the weight of their presence, transforming emptiness with their embodiment.

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